Artwork information Reflective stickers, A5
- Data format (incl. 2 mm bleed): 15,2 x 21,4 cm
- Trimmed size: 14,8 x 21 cm
- Resolution: 300 dpi
- Include a surrounding trim of 2 mm, important information should be at least 4 mm from the edge of the final format size
- Fonts must be completely imbedded or converted to curves
- colour mode: CMYK, FOGRA51 (PSO coated v3) for coated paper
- We will not check for spelling and/or typographical errors
- We will not check for overprint settings
- Transparencies must generally be reduced
- Comments will be deleted and not printed
- Form field content will be printed

Product details
- Four-colour print on the front, reverse blank (4/0)
- permanently adhesive
- white film with a glossy surface and reflective effect
- specially developed for the production of routeing systems and sign boards as well as reflective advertising which require a minimum of retroreflection (requirement class RA1, system A, formerly type I)
- meets the specifications of DIN 67510 (minimum requirements for photophorescent products)
- good UV and temperature resistance
- for indoor and outdoor use
- back without slit
- the longer the stickers stay in one place, the more difficult they are to remove
- Note: The surface must be free from dust, grease and other contamination that could impair the adhesive strength of the material. Freshly painted surfaces must have dried/cured completely.
- delivery: on sheets, not cut to individual pieces

from James Mchugh

from Lee Faichney
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